
the cheapest hosting

I know we're a bit weird...

We just like to kick in doors...
So we host sites for free. Only thing we ask for is a small fee for all the tech work we do for you.
In that way one hand washes the other!
You get cheap hosting and we can live the hell out of the internet. Caus that's the thing we like to do most.

So grand us that small fee and get your site up and running in no time.
Don't know how to do it? Well that's our part of the kick and assist you where we can.
Not convinced yet? What for the heck of it, give it a try.
For those few bucks what can be the risk in this all.

So grab that computer and send us a mail and let's see where we can bring your ideas and (hopes&) dreams on the internet.

Let's make shit happen?
The Plurks Team